We make RTD Simulators capable of simulating a RTD sensor. Our T/C Simulators are capable of simulating non-linear emf of up to three different T/C sensors with Auto/MAN CJ compensation in addition to sourcing linear emf. A self-check facility is provided to assure their dependability.
The RTD Simulator (DigiSim 38515) is a micro-controller based portable, battery-operated, precision instrument designed for sourcing as well as measuring Ω & RTD signals. A graphical (128x64) LCD with backlight gives excellent user interface. It is designed to calibrate instruments taking either RTDs or Ω as an input and retain its precision & repeatability over long periods in worst environmental conditions. An exceptionally stable resistance source provides continuously variable precision output signals with two ten-turn potentiometers.
Our Calibrators are designed to cover electronic process control instruments in the following range of I/O parameters.